Monday, March 28, 2011

Lunch Chatter....

Here's the conversation over lunch in the yellow room today... Ms. Lori: Kyle, please try a bit of your Ceasar salad. Kyle: Yeah...I'm just not that into salad. I've always thought of it as more of a parent thing. Beth: Ky-uhl. It's not a parent thing. If it was a parent thing, they wouldn't even give it to us here! Payton: I love it. I really love the protons. Kyle: They're not protons, they're cro-tons. Jay: Uh...I think they're croutons. Maggie: I'm going to eat a watermelon seed and see if a watermelon grows in my belly. Will it? Ms. Lori: sunshine in there. Lynde: And I don't get this dark green stuff. Is it seaweed?? Ms. Lori: No, it's romaine lettuce. It's good for you...makes you strong. Beth (making muscles with both arms and KISSING THEM): Yeah, like these babies. Jay: Can I be excused...I think I just lost my appetite. was YOUR lunch break???


Anonymous said...

You can't make this stuff up!! Priceless.

Mama Green Jeans said...
