Monday, August 24, 2009

From the mouths of babes...

Mom: Ellery...what did you do at school today?

Ellery: (silence)

Mom: Did you have fun?

Ellery: (silence)

Mom: Tell me what you did with Ms. Mindi.

Ellery: (silence)

Mom: Ellery, if you'll tell me nothing else, will you at least tell me if you liked it??

Ellery (looking at mom like she's not very smart...): Well, what's not to like??


Kyle: Ms. Lori, this fire drill is scary.

Ms. Lori: It's OK, buddy, we're just having a practice.

Kyle: Well, what would do if there was a real fire?

Ms. Lori: You tell me. What would we do if we had a real emergency?

Kyle: We get the heck out the house. But I still don't like it.


Jack: I had the chicken pox once.

Kyle: Well, where did you get those? Were you hanging out on a farm?

Kyle: Ms. Carly, I'm going to stand up, but I'm not going to be singing today.

Lauren: Well, that's your choice, Kyle.
(This is especially funny if you are a teacher, and hear yourSELF say this a million times a day! We always say Lauren could run the school without us...this is further confirmation of that!)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yep...that's a clothespin!

Teagan really does not like the smell of our play doh. She says it makes her "gag", makes her "sick", and makes centers "no fun". Today was a play doh day, and Teagan was instantly put off by it. She told Tori in no uncertain terms that she would NOT be playing in the play doh, which Ms. Tori said was fine. However, when the others started playing, Teagan couldn't resist. She came up with a great plan all by herself...see how happy she is playing in the play doh??? Never mind that the clothespin was only clipped on the tip of her nose...she could still totally smell the play doh!


Today, our friend Lynde started with us in the Green Room. She is so very sweet and eager to please!! When we are trying to get the class' attention, you will often hear our teachers say, "Find my face." Lynde totally thinks this is a everytime today that I said, "Find my face." Lynde would spout back with, "I found it! It's right there under your hair!!!" And then she would clap like she had really done something. So cute!

And then...
Jack: Once I had chicken pox.
Kyle: You did? How did you get chicken pox??? Were you hanging out on a farm???

Monday, August 10, 2009

It's gonna be tough with no pockets and only one sharing hand...but we'll make it!

So, we're underway here for another year!! It's been fun so far, and we just keep expecting more and more fun to come along!

A cute little story to share about one of our new friends, Teagan. Teagan is a big helper and loves to get caught being good! So we very quickly needed to acquaint Teagan with our WOW program. (For those of you who have been with us before, you know all about WOWs and honeysticks...for those of you who don't know...just you wait and see!) So Ms. Tori sat her friends down and was explaining how when you do something great, you get a WOW (green slip of paper) or a honeystick to place in your pocket (an evelope type pocket on the wall). Teagan, and all of them really, were most excited for the opportunity to get a WOW/honeystick. It took no time to catch Teagan in the act of being good, and Ms. Tori said, "Teagan! Here's a WOW for your pocket!" Teagan lit up, then took the WOW from Tori. Then, as she looked down over herself, her shoulders slumped in disappointment. I saw this happen, and said, "What is it, Teagan??" And she says, "Well, I just got my first WOW. But I "weared" this skirt today...and it doesn't even have any pockets." I explained to her that her pocket was actually on the wall. She got that wonderful light back in her eyes and said, "OH...well I'm glad I don't need to BRING a pocket everyday!" I love it!! I love how their little minds are so literal to what we say! Regardless, Teagan got that WOW in the right pocket...and has added many, many more to it since!

Also, today Ms. Tori was heading outside with her class...trying to beat the rain. Just before they go out, Tori always reminds them to use their "sharing hands". She said, "Everyone hold up your sharing hands so I can see!" Little Ella holds up one hand with a band aid on her finger (she's OK, Amy & Mark...I couldn't even see the boo-boo...but it was there in her mind, so it had to be addressed!) and she says to Tori, "Well, one of my sharing hands is broken." Tori reminds Ella that that's OK, she has another hand that will still share. Ella goes, "Yeah...let's hope I use that one today!"