Monday, August 24, 2009

From the mouths of babes...

Mom: Ellery...what did you do at school today?

Ellery: (silence)

Mom: Did you have fun?

Ellery: (silence)

Mom: Tell me what you did with Ms. Mindi.

Ellery: (silence)

Mom: Ellery, if you'll tell me nothing else, will you at least tell me if you liked it??

Ellery (looking at mom like she's not very smart...): Well, what's not to like??


Kyle: Ms. Lori, this fire drill is scary.

Ms. Lori: It's OK, buddy, we're just having a practice.

Kyle: Well, what would do if there was a real fire?

Ms. Lori: You tell me. What would we do if we had a real emergency?

Kyle: We get the heck out the house. But I still don't like it.


Jack: I had the chicken pox once.

Kyle: Well, where did you get those? Were you hanging out on a farm?

Kyle: Ms. Carly, I'm going to stand up, but I'm not going to be singing today.

Lauren: Well, that's your choice, Kyle.
(This is especially funny if you are a teacher, and hear yourSELF say this a million times a day! We always say Lauren could run the school without us...this is further confirmation of that!)

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